Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cultural exploration

I found Trinity the cutest pair of child-sized chop sticks with little teddy bears on them.  I gave them to her last night and explained how they were used.  This morning, I got mine and hers and showed her how to use with them.  She began eating her mandarin oranges with them almost immediately!!!!!

She's doing so well!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The artist

My daughter has always been a very good artist.  Last night, however, she really surprised me.  She drew a picture of me complete with glasses and earrings.  On the back, she had drawn my hair.  I was really proud of her and told her that I wanted to put it on the wall (as we have no pictures one the walls).  She excitedly told me that I would have to wait as she needed to draw my breasts.....

Now, Trinity was a breast fed baby.  I never fed her a bottle.  I would express at work and her sitters would feed her breast milk while I was away.  The La Leche League recommends breast feeding for two years.  Trinity and I went for two and a half.  I tried to wean her at two years.  But, she saw it as rejection and began to act very timid around me.  It wasn't worth her self-esteem.  So, I continued to breast feed.  (Please keep in mind that I was only a snack once she began baby food at seven months.  So, it is not like I was making her drink only milk until she was two and a half.)  At two and a half, she got really sloppy with her latch on and it began to hurt.  I then realized why you see momma cows kicking their off calves....

Anyhoo.  After she smilingly showed me the added breasts, she decided that she needed to draw my cookie, our household name for our female anatomical units.  I couldn't quit laughing.  She then decided to draw herself in the picture complete with the same parts.

She is a trip!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Riding the waves with my daughter

Collectively, I've done some really cool things during my visits to the islands.  While on Maui, I took a helicopter ride from Kahalui to Hana and snorkeled.  On Oahu, I've been diving several times, seen beautiful sights, hung out with friends while listening to local music, and met some really cool people.  But last night, I did the most awesome thing to date.  

After I picked Trinity up from the daycare, I took her to Waikiki to the beach.  I had purchased her some fins to help her glide around the water.  She never got he hang of them and they ended up back on the shore.  She still had on her pink floaties, though, and was happily flitting around in the water.  I was describing the ebb and flow of the water and how it will push and pull you toward and away from the beach.  She thought it was cool to ride the waves before they crested.  I couldn't agree more.   Then, she swam over to me, wrapped her arms and legs around me, and gave me the most warm and comforting hug.  As we were hugging, a big wave came and pushed us toward the shore.  That was the most awesome moment!  How cool to be hugging your daughter while riding a wave.  

Then, I got to thinking.  That concrete and profound moment describes us literally and figuratively.  Not only were we bathing in the Pacific, but in the grander scheme of things, we are riding the waves of our lives in the big, unknown blue waters with only each other.  

I wouldn't change a thing!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hawaii rule: No rain, no rainbows

Creative little girl!!!

Trini did this last week sometime.  But, I thought it was completely noteworthy!!!  She is so creative.  Our front window slides vertically on a wooden track.  So, the premade little window security things do not work.  We had to make a trek to Home Depot for dowels.  I was actually pretty proud of myself as I had to saw them to measure myself.  I kept the other ends for weaponry, if you will.  

A day or so later, I rounded the corner to find that Trinity had fashioned one as a microphone and was using the other for an ukulele.  It was too cute!!!!!!

I just love everything about her!

Our humble Hawaiian abode

We have living room furniture!!!  I am so happy.  Trini and I have been (rather, I have been.  Trini has been sitting in her beach chair) sitting on pillows on the floor.  I've been pouring over ads on Craigslist for furniture since we arrived.  I had decided on a futon.  But when I tried to piece together living room furniture separately, it was costing a mint.  Today, I happened upon a real estate agent who is assisting vacation-rental condo owners with their sales (as tourism is low due to flight prices), he offered me a complete living room set at a deal.  Did I mention that he offered to deliver it???  Anyhoo.  It is totally island flair, which I wanted.  It is white rattan.  The cushions have a blue background with tan and green palm fronds.  I love it!!!!!  The sofa is a sofa bed for any mainland guests.  We just won't be able to walk to the door.  LOL!!!  

I love Hawaii!!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Adventure buddy and me on our way to the fireworks @ the Aloha Tower

Yesterday's happenings

Yesterday was productive indeed!!!

I had lunch with Ed & Guy regarding my role within Alaka'i.  We had an excellent lunch.  We had an excellent professional meeting.  But the coolest thing about the luncheon appoint was.....  As we were finished with our dim sum, we were sipping our tea.  I told the gentlemen, "Who would have thought that in October, 2005 when I met you guys that we would all be sitting at the table in Honolulu today discussing my role within Alaka'i."  Guy looked at me and said, "I seem to recall you telling me, at the October 2005 Program Kick-off, that we were your ticket out of Arkansas."  I looked at him in astonishment.  I DID say that to them.  And, they remembered.  I had almost forgotten.

After lunch, the gentlemen dropped me off at the Leahi Hospital for my 2:00pm interview.  Oh my gosh!!!  The interview went so well.  It was with the Hawai'i AIDS Research Program through UH.  I met a culturally diverse group of professional women that were so likable that I almost wanted to ask them to go have a drink with me.  They are looking for the exact type of administrative support that I provided the Laser Jock group in Jonesboro.  I made them laugh.  I answered their questions.  And, I secretly sat there sending them brain waves that stated, "Hire this girl.  Hire this girl."  

The most incredible part was the view.  As I stood waiting for the elevators, I decided to take the stairs. And there to greet me was Diamond Head in all its grandeur.  There was absolutely nothing between me and Diamond Head with the ocean on either side waving to me.  I said outloud, "Why didn't I bring my camera?"  So, I took the following pictures with my Treo.  Not great quality.  But, damn, do you get the gist!  

It was a great day!!!!