Yesterday was productive indeed!!!
I had lunch with Ed & Guy regarding my role within Alaka'i. We had an excellent lunch. We had an excellent professional meeting. But the coolest thing about the luncheon appoint was..... As we were finished with our dim sum, we were sipping our tea. I told the gentlemen, "Who would have thought that in October, 2005 when I met you guys that we would all be sitting at the table in Honolulu today discussing my role within Alaka'i." Guy looked at me and said, "I seem to recall you telling me, at the October 2005 Program Kick-off, that we were your ticket out of Arkansas." I looked at him in astonishment. I DID say that to them. And, they remembered. I had almost forgotten.
After lunch, the gentlemen dropped me off at the Leahi Hospital for my 2:00pm interview. Oh my gosh!!! The interview went so well. It was with the Hawai'i AIDS Research Program through UH. I met a culturally diverse group of professional women that were so likable that I almost wanted to ask them to go have a drink with me. They are looking for the exact type of administrative support that I provided the Laser Jock group in Jonesboro. I made them laugh. I answered their questions. And, I secretly sat there sending them brain waves that stated, "Hire this girl. Hire this girl."
The most incredible part was the view. As I stood waiting for the elevators, I decided to take the stairs. And there to greet me was Diamond Head in all its grandeur. There was absolutely nothing between me and Diamond Head with the ocean on either side waving to me. I said outloud, "Why didn't I bring my camera?" So, I took the following pictures with my Treo. Not great quality. But, damn, do you get the gist!
It was a great day!!!!